速龍計劃在陣容作出改變,有意將 Kyle Lowry 交易!

速龍今天東岸最佳戰績打入季後賽,可是球隊連續兩年季後賽被騎士橫掃出局。他們今年夏天似乎計劃在陣容名單上作出改變。根據 Sean Deveney 報導指出,去年與球隊續約三年的控衛 Kyle Lowry 或許會成為交易的目標。Lowry 的合約還有兩年價值6500萬美元。早前曾經有傳聞指出球隊繼去年後再次將 DeMar DeRozan 放在交易桌上,願意聆聽其他球隊開出報價。

引用According to league executives, Lowry is the most likely candidate to be moved, as the All-Star point guard still has two years and $65 million remaining in his deal.

引用“If anything does happen with that roster, Lowry is probably the guy who makes the most sense,” a league executive told Sean Deveney of The Sporting News.

速龍希望作出改變就必須從後場雙人組入手,兩人只能夠留下一人。如果球隊為了未來發展,相信留下 DeRozan 比 Lowry 較好。DeRozan 今年28歲處於黃金期,反觀 Lowry 已經32歲,去年與速龍這份約相信是他職業生涯最後一份大合同。速龍似乎希望尋找另一名控衛配合 DeRozan,潛在的人選分別有 Kemba Walker,Eric Bledsoe 及 Goran Dragic 等控衛,且看速龍今夏在陣容上如何作出改變。


標籤: NBA  速龍  Kyle Lowry