Lance Stephenson 希望下季得到一份年期較長的合約!

Lance Stephenson 今年夏天與湖人簽約一年,他的加盟將增加球隊的板凳深度,同時亦為 Stephenson 本人來季爭取一份年期較長的合約。根據 Scott Agness 報導,他希望在下一份合約得到長期的保障,近年他亦不停轉換球隊,先後效力鵜鶘,木狼及溜馬,可是仍然沒有找到他的家,最終今夏轉投湖人與 LeBron James 成為隊友,他們兩人過往在場上亦有不少恩怨。

引用Q: We know few players got long-time deals this summer. Is that something moving forward that would interest you after this year?

A: Oh yeah, I’m definitely looking for a long-term contract after this. I’m trying to find a home. I’ve been moving a lot and to different teams. [Note: Seven teams in five years.] I’m trying to find a place where I can actually call home and feel comfortable, and actually get a nice place and stay there for a while.

Stephenson 來季相信都是以替補身份上陣,他在場上的活力對於球隊是好還是壞?湖人今夏簽下他的原因是什麼?或許是希望他能夠加強湖人防守端,他去季在溜馬大多數是替補上陣,場均上陣22.6分鐘攻入9.2分及5.2個籃板。


標籤: NBA  湖人  Lance Stephenson