【老而彌堅】 33歲 LeBron James 今年季後賽交出三次40+Game-Score!

LeBron James 今夏從騎士轉投湖人震驚整個聯盟,33歲的他狀態並沒有下滑的跡象,而且更不斷刷新紀錄。根據 Reddit 用戶 Celticsfor18th 指出,LeBron 在今年季後賽取得三次 40+Game-Score,這個紀錄似乎仍會不斷被擴大。歷史上還有三位33歲以上的球員取得 40+Game-Score,他們分別是籃球之神 Micheal Jordon,Karl Malone 及火箭控衛 Chris Paul。Game-Score 是籃球統計學家 John Hollinger 開發的一項指標,集合球員在籃球比賽中的所有項目統計表現得出的數字。

引用LeBron James’s games with a 40+ game-score in the 2018 playoffs:

2nd Round Game 2 @ Toronto: 43 points, 14 rebounds, 8 assists, 68.2 TS% (41.6 game-score, 23rd all-time)

NBA Finals Game 1 @ Golden State: 51 points, 8 rebounds, 8 assists, 69.2 TS% (41.3 game-score, 28th all-time)

1st Round Game 2 vs. Indiana: 46 points, 12 rebounds, 5 assists, 77.4 TS% (40.9 game-score, 37th all-time)

LeBron is also now responsible for 3 of 6 playoff games with a 40+ game-score by a player above the age of 33... The other 3 being Karl Malone at 36, Michael Jordan at 34 and Chris Paul at 33 this past postseason.
LeBron James 並沒有因為年齡的增長而退步,反而有些方面更持續地突破。去季他場均攻入27.5分,8.6個籃板及9.1次助攻,得分更是近年新高。如果他一直保持健康,歷史上的總得分紀錄亦有機會打破。如今轉投湖人,他將會帶領一眾年輕球員挑戰強手臨立的西岸。


標籤: NBA  湖人  LeBron James