Stephen Curry 表示復出首戰仍有改善空間!

相隔11場比賽,勇士控衛 Stephen Curry 終於在今天復出迎戰活塞,可是球隊仍然以 102-111 不敵活塞。Curry 今場攻入27分,5個籃板及3個助攻,三分球9投3中,這是 Curry 11月8日對公鹿腹股溝受傷後第一場比賽。賽後,Curry 與記者談及今場的表現,他表示球隊上半場表現糟糕,個人在今場比賽仍然有很多改善空間。

引用“Played a terrible first half, pretty much set the tone for the game.”

“The first half, I was going 100 miles an hour. Just didn’t have the right timing, wasn’t seeing the floor very well, or seeing the rim very well, for that matter. The second half was better. I was a little bit more aggressive, decisive.”

至於他的隊友 Klay Thompson 則攻入21分,他表示只需要很短時便能適應與 Curry 的比賽。隨著今天不敵活塞,勇士現時以15勝9負戰績排在西岸第四位。勇士下場將於星期二作客鷹隊,且看能否為 Curry 帶來復出後首勝。



標籤: NBA  勇士  Stephen Curry