Adam Silver:「LeBron 轉戰西岸並缺席季後賽確實影響電視收視率!」

今年是 LeBron James 首季離開東岸轉戰西岸發展,穿上了洛杉磯湖人的球衣,很可惜他今年無緣季後賽,一眾 LeBron 的粉絲非常失望。近日 NBA 總裁 Adam Silver 發表了言論,他指出 LeBron 轉戰西岸而且無緣季後賽確實導致電視收視率有所下降。

引用“Face it, LeBron is one of the biggest stars in the world, and he also played in the East,” he said near the conclusion of the interview. “And so, the reason I look a little bit tired is a lot of our games are in the West, and it’s late at night.

“And I recognize most people choose to go to sleep at a reasonable time. And so, from a rating standpoint, not having LeBron in the playoffs, not having him in the East, has clearly impacted ratings.”

2010年至2018年,LeBron 連續八年進入 NBA 總決賽,當中他贏得三次總冠軍,當中包括落後 1-3 的情況下擊敗當年73勝的金州勇士。當他身處東岸時,其他球隊必須超越他才有機會踏足總決賽,很可惜這八年來都沒有球隊能夠將他擊敗。


標籤: NBA  LeBron James