JaVale McGee 與火箭會談非常順利,滿意自己在球隊的角色定位!

根據 Jonathan Feigen 報導,火箭在洛杉磯與中鋒 JaVale McGee 進行一次自由球員會議,據稱這次會面非常順利。McGee 是一名不受限制的自由球員,去季他效力洛杉磯湖人,火箭一直希望尋找 Clint Capela 的替補球員,而 McGee 不論薪酬及能力確實是一個不錯的選擇。

引用The meeting with McGee in Los Angeles went extremely well, two individuals familiar with the process said on Wednesday. The Rockets’ interest was not just if Capela was dealt. McGee would be happy with his role with the Rockets, serving as a pick-and-roll target for James Harden and Chris Paul. The Rockets want greater size off the bench and the vertical spacing the second unit has lacked.

McGee 很高興自己在火箭的角色,如果他真的加盟,他將成為 James Harden 及 Chris Paul 的擋拆目標,作用與 Capela 相似,而火箭確實需要加強替補陣容名單。去季,McGee 場均攻入12.0分,7.5個籃板及2.0次封次,投籃命中率62.4%。他去季薪酬大約是 230萬美元,且看火箭到底是開出一份底薪合約還是中產合同!


標籤: NBA  火箭  JaVale McGee