WLTOYS Q282掌上FPV飛行器【Toy Story】

這隻Wltoys Q282正啊,手掌尺寸,內置FPV加錄影,鏡頭仲好似可以換廣角鏡,係個遙控器尺寸大了一點。Wltoys Q282 is a small-size, built-in FPV & camera quad. Overall it is an amazing micro-size quad. The only compliant is on the large transmitter which doesn't make sense to be that big.

Wltoys Q282

飛行樂趣:Fun flying with it:

6軸設計,在這個尺寸的飛行器來說,為了外表多於功能。6-axis design for better looking than real functionality.

尾翼有兩粒紅色LED燈,方便顯示發現方向。2 red LEDs on the rear side, for showing flyign direction.
機頭就有兩粒藍色LED燈,都幾型的。Blue LED in the front, looks quite cool.

用3.7v 500mah電池,插頭是跟Hunsan H107系列一樣的小白頭。It used 3.7v 500mah battery, same plug type as Hubdan H107 series.

前面兩隻槳是紅色,槳翼都算插得幾實。Red color props in the front. The props is firmly connected to the motor shafts.

機底收藏了5.8G FPV天線,也可以見到相機模組。The antenna of the 5.8G FPV system is located on the bottom, the camera module can be seen through the ventilation holes.

起落架各設計都幾靚。A small but well designed landing skid.

機仔細細,竟然配個大尺寸遙控器。Such a large transmitter for a micro-sized quad...

大尺寸控制背光顯示屏。A large & back-lit status LED screen.

一看就知道有多大。That's how big is it compare to the quad itself.

FPV屏幕的摺疊式遮光罩。Foldable sun hood for the FPV screen.

FPV屏幕的安裝方法。The FPV screen is installed like this.

屏幕質素還可以,但因為係平價貨,在外面比較難看清楚。The screen looks ok but it is difficult to see outside.

但以這個價錢來說,這套已經很不錯。For this print point it is not a bad start actually.

室外測試遙控距離大概有40米左右,鏡頭廣角不足,看看之後可否改裝它。Control distance is around 40M outdoor. The camera angel is too narrow for FPV flying. I will try ti change a wide angle lens later.

實拍相片。Actual photo taken be Wltoys Q282.

實拍相片。Actual photo taken be Wltoys Q282.

實拍相片。Actual photo taken be Wltoys Q282.

總括來說,以這個價錢有FPV系統加錄影功能,算是可以的初學者套裝,但如果真的想體驗FPV飛行,就要換至廣角鏡頭了。Within this price point it is a good starter kit for those who want FPV and camera. In order to have a better FPV experience, a wider angle lens is preferred.

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