初中grammar系列(1) - in/on/at (時間)


以下用in: 月份、年份、年代、早上/下午/黃昏
  • in January (在一月)
  • in 2000 (在二零零零年)
  • in the 1990s (在一九九零年代)
  • in the 20th century (在二十世紀)
  • in the morning/afternoon/evening (在早上/下午/黃昏)

以下用on: 日期、星期幾、某一天
  • on 25 June (在六月二十五日)
  • on Wednesday (在星期三)
  • on his birthday (在他生日那天)

以下用at: 節日、確實時間、這一刻/那一刻
  • at Easter (在復活節)
  • at 9:30 a.m. (在九時三十分)
  • at noon (在正午)
  • at midnight (在午夜)
  • at the moment / at that time (在這刻/在那時)



  1. He will graduate _____ June.
  2. We are going to the beach _____ Saturday.
  3. She was born _____ 1998.
  4. The activity will be held _____ 18 August.
  5. This song was very popular _____ the 1980s.
  6. I woke up _____ 8:30 a.m. this morning.
  7. We will talk about this _____ Tuesday.
  8. We usually have dinner with our family _____ mid-Autumn festival.
  9. The television was invented _____ the 20th century.
  10. He is playing football _____ the moment.

  1. in
  2. on
  3. in
  4. on
  5. in
  6. at
  7. on
  8. at
  9. in
  10. at


標籤: in/on/at  grammar