The Good Wife 宣佈本季後劇終

之前 CBS 係 Super Bowl 期間宣佈 The Good Wife 將會係今年5月後完結。

製作人 Michelle King 受 CBS 訪問時就提到:「網絡、劇組、Julianna (主角) 之間都有傾過,最後大家都達成一致既共識,大家都希望能夠一齊完成埋佢。」
「會,好多都會。但 Will Gardner 唔會番生,亦都唔會見到 Kalinda Sharma 。」
(Alicia 同 Peter 最後會唔會有 Happy Ending ?)
對於劇集既完結,主角 Julianna 亦都發出左以下既聲明:
「To the most amazing and talented cast and crew, there will always be a special place in my heart for our ‘Good Wife’ family… as we close the book on our beloved show, I am humbled and grateful to know that together, we created and were a part of something truly remarkable」

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標籤: CBS  The Good Wife