


此VAR訓練基地由前義大利裁判羅貝托·羅塞蒂(Roberto Rosetti)管理。該球證曾先後執法義甲、歐聯、歐國盃、世界盃等大型賽事。而自此方案成立以來羅塞蒂便一直開發此技術,亦被國際足協選為各國際大賽的VAR項目負責人。


引用"The VAR experimentation launched in Italy in recent months by FIGC, Lega Serie A and AIA - comments the FIGC President and Extraordinary Commissioner Lega Serie A Carlo Tavecchio - allows us to introduce ourselves to the international football system with a wealth of experience and skills that we are proud of being able to make available to all the world Federations Through this latest investment, Coverciano confirms itself as a state-of-the-art Technical Center that the whole world envies us ".

"Our only goal is a fairer football - adds Roberto Rosetti, FIFA VAR Project Leader - and improve every day on technical, educational and technological aspects, with courage and ideas on a project that represents an epoch-making change for world football. An applause to FIGC, Lega Serie A and AIA for having immediately been a team, and to the Italian referees for having believed and worked with dedication to the project ".

"Thanks to our vision - adds the General Director of the FIGC Michele Uva - to our organizational strength and above all to the excellent quality of the work done so far from the AIA and the referees, the Federcalcio is increasingly a point of reference in technological innovation and in technical training, special thanks go to Roberto Rosetti and the Serie A League, who believed and contributed to the construction of this historical path for football ".

