Jae Crowder:我希望J.R. Smith向我道歉

塞爾特人前鋒Jae Crowder於週二晚上對騎士隊前,要求J.R. Smith向他道歉。J.R. Smith在上季季後賽向Jae Crowder批肘,導致被罰兩場禁賽,而Jae Crowder則扭傷了左ACL。

「我所能說的是,我已經準備明天晚上打球。我們將會走著看。」在進一步的追問下,Jae Crowder說:「老實說,我希望他明天道歉。我希望那不是故意的。但是,如果他沒有道歉,我們將會打球。」
引用“I’m ready to play tomorrow night is all I can say,” Crowder said. “We’ll see.” […] Pressed further, Crowder said of Smith, “I hope he apologizes tomorrow, to be honest with you. I hope it wasn’t intentional. But if he doesn’t, then we’ll play ball.”

而J.R. Smith在得知後,他的答覆似乎並未有道歉的意圖。史密斯在週一訓練結束後說:

J.R. Smith Elbow Jae Crowder 片段:

