The Arts Marathon for the Family (07-07-2013)


為迎接充滿藝術氣氛的夏日假期,香港文化中心7月7日舉行「家+藝術天」,活動包括話劇、音樂劇、Hip Hop及爵士舞、手部彩繪、鼓樂圈和樂隊表演等,免費入場。為慶祝油麻地戲院活化重開一周年,7月14日舉行同樂日,邀請三個藝術團體表演折子戲、古箏及木偶皮影。

「家+藝術天」節目由正午12時起在文化中心大堂展開,包括有元朗劇院場地伙伴Theatre Noir製作、香港國際社會服務社天水圍(北)綜合家庭服務中心「四月‧天」劇社演出的話劇《天城故事》,香港手風琴藝術團以手風琴的獨特音韻,演繹多首西方民族歌曲與中國小調和蔡偉雄舞蹈中心的青少年大跳勁道十足的Hip Hop及爵士舞等。






The Leisure & Cultural Services Department is holding two fun-filled summer activities in July, at the Cultural Centre and the Yau Ma Tei Theatre.

The Arts Marathon for the Family, featuring drama, music, dancing, and painting, will be held on July 7 at the Cultural Centre.

The April Theatre troupe will kick off the event, performing the drama Tin Shui Wai's Stories.

Live music will come from the Accordion Troupe Hong Kong, the Radiant Theatre, a choral music group from the Chinese University, and the Rico Tsoi Dance Centre.

From 3pm, activity stalls, including those providing henna hand-painting and balloon giveaways, will open.

On July 14, Yau Ma Tei Theatre will hold a fun day celebrating the first anniversary since its revitalisation.

There will be a Cantonese opera performance, a traditional musical instrument programme, and a marionette show.

Both events are under the Vibrant Hong Kong theme of the "Hong Kong: Our Home" Campaign.

Free tickets are needed for admission to the fun day. Click here for details. For more on the Cultural Centre programmes, click here.
