HSBC匯豐銀行2018摺紙賀歲短片 (Kade Chan)


2018中國農曆新年,國際著名摺紙藝術家 Kade Chan 與匯豐銀行攜手合作,糅合傳統日本摺紙藝術與中國文化,設計出12款栩栩如生的生肖摺紙,以拍攝賀歲短片,向大眾送上春節祝福,共渡佳節。

2018 Chinese New Year, professional origami artist Kade Chan crossover HSBC, specially designed a set of origami zodiacs for the new year greetings video. Connecting traditional Japanese art and Chinese culture, sending the warmest blessing to the public.

Kade Chan :

Researching and developing origami since 2005 and has been the recipient of many international origami awards and honors. Now Kade Chan has more than 200 original origami designs, organized more than 500 public events/exhibitions and collaborated with many world notable brands.

・ Éric Joisel Award 2012 (Canada Origami Society)
・ Yoshino Issei Fund 2013 (Japan Origami Academic Society)
・ Guest Speaker of Hong Kong Origami Convention 2014
・ Guest Speaker of TEDx HKPolyU 2015
・ Special Guest of Origami USA Convention 2016
・ Special Guest of Korea Origami Convention 2017
