加歷查: 若槍手今季拿不到英超冠軍,恐怕再奪冠要再等上10年

引用Carragher: "If Arsenal don't win it this year, I think it could be another 10 years before they win it again"
引用Carragher:"Chelsea won't accept the situation they're in, they'll throw a lot of money at it in the summer, they'll get another manager. I think Man City may do the same even if they win it.I think Manchester United, talking about Louis van Gaal, looking at the squad – is it good enough? So those three teams, they've all faltered"
加歷查說: "車路士不會接受今季的成績,他們會在明夏的轉會市場有所行動,他們還會再請一位主帥。我想,如果曼城本賽季錯過冠軍的話,或許也會有同樣的舉動。還有曼聯,大家都在談論雲高爾的未來,看看他們的陣容,優秀嗎?三隊如今都在經歷困境。"
引用Carragher:"This is Arsenal's big chance, they have to take it. Whether that means spending again in January... but this is an opportunity they can't let slip.'
加歷查再表示: "無論一月轉會市場阿仙奴是否買人,反正這次的奪冠機會他們怎麼也不能錯過。"
資料來源: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-3379337/Arsenal-face-10-years-without-title-fail-win-Premier-League-season-says-Jamie-Carragher.html
