NBA不存在的"The Third Man In" 規則——從官方規則看湖人VS魔術比賽衝突

在湖人和魔術昨天的比賽後段,出現了一次氣氛緊張的衝突場面,結果導致四名球員領技術犯規、兩名球員被逐出場,引起不少討論。本文將會從NBA官方規則入手,探討裁判在昨天比賽中是依據哪些標準去處理衝突場面以及處罰的嚴重程度,並且讓球迷簡單瞭解甚麼是"The Third Man In" (衝突中第三者介入) 規則。



因此無可否認,Dwight Howard 的行為無疑是引發這次衝突的導火線。只是客觀來看,魔獸肘部動作之輕微其實在NBA這個充滿身體碰撞的聯盟來說,相信在絕大部分情況下都不會演變成衝突,只是不幸地牽涉衝突的魔術球員年紀較輕(Jonathan Isaac 22歲、Wes Iwundu 24歲、Michael Carter-Williams 28歲),加上比分落後導致情緒較為激動,最終沉不住氣引發後續衝突。

這次衝突的參與者包括出現拉扯的Dwight Howard、Jonathan Isaac 和 Michael Carter-Williams,以及後來才加入「護駕」的Jared Dudley 和 Wes Iwundu ,結果Howard、MCW、Dudley、Iwundu各領一次技術犯規,後兩者更被驅逐出場。

從筆者的角度來說,這次衝突根本就是「小孩子打架」,頂多就是你推我一下、我再推你一下,與歷史上許多NBA衝突相比根本不值一提,完全可以每人給一個技術犯規了事,只可惜不但魔術首個攻擊魔獸的Jonathan Issac逃過技術犯規、而且後來才加入衝突的 Jared Dudley 和 Wes Iwundu 更意外地被驅逐出場,使得這次衝突的吹判結果在比賽結束後再次引發不少討論。

"The Third Man In" rule
筆者在衝突發生當下在追湖人Spectrum SportsNet 的比賽轉播,當時主播們對於這次衝突的吹判提出了一個很有趣的解釋——"The Third Man In" (衝突中第三者介入) 規則。

事實上,不少運動比賽聯盟包括冰上曲棍球(Ice Hockey)、美式足球等均有在規則上加入這種"The Third Man In" 規則,大意是為了避免第三者介入導致衝突升溫,因此需要對加入衝突的第三者處予更嚴厲處罰,引用國家美式足球聯盟(NFL) 的官方規則︰

引用46.16 Third Man In - A game misconduct penalty, at the discretion of the Referee, shall be imposed on any player who is the first to intervene (third man in) in an altercation already in progress except when a match penalty is being imposed in the original altercation. This penalty is in addition to any other penalties incurred in the same incident.

NFL規則上明確表示對於引至衝突升溫的第三者,裁判必須額外給予行為不檢(misconduct penalty) 的處罰。

回到這次湖人和魔術的衝突,假如裁判將Jared Dudley 和 Wes Iwundu 定性為後來才加入衝突的第三者(他們確實也是),即使兩人推撞的行為產生的肢體碰撞並不多,但被臨逐出場也算合情合理。

前提是,假使NBA規則上明確刻有類似"The Third Man In" 的規則存在......

NBA不存在 = 裁判自由心證?
沒有錯,筆者翻查NBA有關打鬥和技術犯規的相關規則,並沒有找到類似"The Third Man In" 的規則存在,以下引用NBA規則︰

引用Section V—Conduct

k. A player, coach, trainer, or other team bench person must be ejected for:
1. A punching foul
2. fighting foul
3. Technical foul for an attempted punch or swing with no contact or a thrown elbow toward an opponent above shoulder level with no contact
4 .Deliberately entering the stands other than as a continuance of play
5. Flagrant foul penalty (2)
6. Second flagrant foul penalty (1)
7. Participation in the game when not on team’s active list

引用Section VI—Fighting Fouls

a. Technical fouls shall be assessed players, coaches or trainers for fighting. No free throws will be attempted. The participants will be ejected immediately.
b. This rule applies whether play is in progress or the ball is dead.
c. If a fighting foul occurs with a team in possession of the ball, that team will retain possession on the sideline nearest the spot where play was interrupted but no nearer to the baseline than the free throw line extended.
d. If a fighting foul occurs with neither team in possession, play will be resumed with a jump ball between any two opponents who were in the game at the center circle.
e. A fine not exceeding $50,000 and/or suspension may be imposed upon such person(s) by the Commissioner at his sole discretion.




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