馬體會新兵第一次上陣即傷出 將缺陣歐聯對曼聯賽事 (附加盟後獨家訪問片段)

在剛剛過去的週末,巴塞隆拿主場以4:2擊敗馬德里體育會,賽後反壓對手升上第四位,在爭逐前四席位之中佔據主動。反而,馬德里體育會的表現令人失望,更有剛剛新加盟的丹麥國腳丹尼爾華斯 (Daniel Wass) 傷出,而賽後證實將會缺陣一個月,意味著他將會缺席對曼聯的歐聯首回合賽事,甚是可惜。


I am really happy, really happy to be here. It's a big club, so of course i am really happy to be here.

馬德里體育會是一間大球會,我很高興可以來到這裡 (馬德里體育會)。

Of course, when you get the call from ''Atleti'', you don't think, you know they won the league last year, big players, a big coach, so of course, i didn't think one minute to come here.


He's a big coach, and won a lot of trophies in Atletico, last year for example, it's a team that always play champions league, always doing good in the league and champions league, so of course it's an honour to be here.

他 (施蒙尼) 是一位出色的教練,為球隊贏得不少獎項,特別是上季。馬德里體育會是歐聯的常客,時常都能在聯賽和歐聯取得好成績,能夠成為他們的一份子是我的榮幸。

I am looking forward to go into the pitch, to play my first game here in front of the fans, looking forward to everything.


I have been here before, it's a beautiful stadium, one of the most beautiful stadium in Spain, in Europe, so you know, i am looking forward to go into the pitch.

我以往都來過這裡 (球隊的主場),萬達大都會球場是西班牙,甚至歐洲其中一個最漂亮的主場,我真的很期待在這裡作賽。

