[旅遊新聞] 韓國增設免費wifi熱線至1萬個 為了大家的需要 增設許多免費的公共wifi 搜尋Public Wifi等帳號即可以上網 開放區域為住民中心、傳統

[旅遊新聞] 韓國增設免費wifi熱線至1萬個 為了大家的需要 增設許多免費的公共wifi 搜尋Public Wifi等帳號即可以上網 開放區域為住民中心、傳統市場、客運站
[旅遊新聞] 韓國增設免費wifi熱線至1萬個




韓國政府也為了大家的需要,增設許多免費的公共wifi,相信大家都有看過「Public Wifi」、「Seoul Wifi」或「Gangnam Wifi」等免費網路吧~

公共無線網路計畫預計在今年底前再增設3,000個wifi熱點,讓全國的免費公共網路增加到1萬個以上。遊客只要利用自己所攜帶的手機或其他裝置,搜尋Public Wifi等帳號即可以上網,詳情可以參考官網http://wififree.kr/en/ (英文)

‪#‎wifi‬ ‪#‎無線網路‬ ‪#‎熱線‬ ‪#‎上網‬ ‪#‎免費網路‬ ‪#‎韓國旅遊‬

What is free WiFi service in public places?
This is a Wi-FI service that anyone can use for free in public places where a lot of citizens frequently visit such as Community Service Center,
Welfare facilities and traditional markets. This service is provided with the cooperation of 3 tele-communication companies (KT, SKT, LGU+)
How to use free WiFi service in public places.
Search for surrounding Wi-Fi signals in the wireless network setting
Select 'Public WiFi Free' SSID and execute web browser (Basic browser of the terminal is recommended)
Select the right button of 'Using Public WiFi' in the center of the Public WiFi connection screen to use the desired service
Refrain from using important personal information and banking services. In case the connection information of public Wi-Fi is saved in the mobile phone, you will automatically be connected without separate alarms.
If it does not connect to the basic webpage that has been set by the user and if it connects to the WiFi Free site, please take the following steps.
Select the address input window on top of the page
Insert the site address that you wish to use
