【查比高恩斯空難】談及罹難前教練 加比爾灑下男兒淚:我當日有些說話想跟他說...


最近阿仙奴的巴西後衛加比爾透過球會官方網頁發表關於空難事件的感人言論,他在這三分鐘多的片段中除了對死難者親屬送上慰問外,還談及到他在前球會Vitoria效力的五年期間曾與罹難的教練Caio Junior及一些球會職員共事。訪問期間加比爾表示在自己剛過去的生日時本想找前教練Caio Junior傾談,但因某些原因他把當時想說的話留待了下次,但空難事件發生後他那些說話永遠也未能送出了,說到這裡加比爾便不禁灑起男兒淚,場面傷感。
「I played for Vitoria for five years and i worked with the coach and the backroom staff, and two other players as well. We were very close friends. It's very hard to take...We have a message group from Brazil and i texted them to say "don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today." I say that because on my last birthday i felt this urge to talk to Caio Junior and for some reason I left it for another day, and then this tragedy happened.」
source: arsenal official
