後Civil War時代 | 基斯伊雲斯可否不要走

《美國隊長3:英雄內戰》(Captain America: Civil War)相信已經有唔少朋友睇咗(放心裏面冇劇透),大家都知今次civil war同復仇者系列都係大堆頭咁多的角色出現起電影之中,但事實是大家的目光屢屢只會集中在幾個角色,而飾演美國隊長的基斯伊雲斯(Chris Evans)必然是大家焦點角色之一。然而,世事又豈能盡如人意呢,伊雲斯受限於Marvel另一階段的發展(漫畫版本中的美國隊長會在下一個階段是沒有其位置的)未必能夠再一直參與下去,這亦即是話伊雲斯飾演的美國隊長未來可能會淡出Marvel既大銀幕之中,不過佢起日前的訪談中被問到會不會繼續與Marvel簽約演下去時,伊雲斯就回應指他其實很害怕終有一日會離開這個角色。以下是他在訪問中的部分節錄:
引用“There's no re-upping yet. It is so funny thinking about how fast time has moved. We started this in 2010, and six years is gone in the blink of an eye. In the beginning it was so terrifying, and now you’re almost scared…I’m scared to walk away. I’m scared to not have one of these coming. For the past six, theres always been ‘next year, we start that one,’ and it’s been wonderful. Especially because the movies are so good. When you make good movies, who wants to stop doing that? So, I don’t know. We’ll see.

引用I know in the comic books that the shield gets passed off, and what you do know more than anything else in this process — meeting fans, experiencing junkets, and people who love the character — the character is bigger than you. And whatever the character needs, whatever Marvel needs for that arc, I'm willing to do. So if that is me passing it off, you pass it off. But if they want to make more, I'm ready."

另外,伊雲斯在訪談中大派定心丸,說只要Marvel願意繼續找他演出,他定必會繼續演下去。畢竟大家都明白做開超級英雄系列電影既角色好處係容易「入到屋」同較穩定,但與此同時都會出現對角色上的疲倦感和侷限性,而第一代蜘蛛俠Tobey Maguire同哈利波特中人稱哈利仔的Daniel Radcliffe就係最佳既例子,所以佢地通常會好抗拒角色上面既定形並尋求其他角色去一洗先前既形象。而相反今次伊凡斯就表現出毫無拒抗之心,願意按照Marvel的宇宙觀作出配合,可見伊凡斯本人有幾咁鍾意個角色。如果仲未入戲院睇既你地,除咗關注美國隊長同酷寒戰士Bucky係咪hehe之外,都要留意多美國隊長幾眼呀。
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資料來源 geektyrant
