Building smarter cities

Local AI can improve the way people live, work, and play in urban spaces.
In order to reach the true potential of a “smart city,” AI processing will have to move from the cloud onto secure local devices, maintaining individual privacy, reducing data transfer rates, and enabling quicker reaction times for critical systems.
Imagine a building that responds in real-time to its inhabitants.
With increasing global concerns about energy consumption, Zion Market Research suggests the smart building market value will reach $61.9B by 2024 to improve resource utilization.
With Coral, building managers can detect human presence in a privacy preserving way in order to optimize lighting, climate, and energy utilization, drastically reducing their cost of operations and carbon footprint.
Imagine a city where pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles travel harmoniously.
The Center for Disease Control cites that in 2017, 5,977 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes in the United States. This averages to one crash-related pedestrian death every 1.5 hours.
Coral can utilize cameras and image classification techniques to assist people at intersections, and help drivers become more aware of their surroundings. Coral on public buses and vehicles can also monitor for pedestrians and bicyclists when turning or opening doors.
Imagine never getting stuck in a traffic jam again.
The World Economic Forum predicts that the number of cars worldwide is set to double by 2040. This is an incredible challenge to our roadways and infrastructure.
Coral enables sensors on the road and at critical gateways that can help optimize city-wide traffic flow, accomodating for peak traffic hours, special events, weather conditions, and accidents.
Understand human traffic flow while respecting individual privacy.
According to the data published by the UN, the world population is predicted to reach 9.7 billion by 2050. Almost 70% of that population will be in urban environments.
A distributed network of Coral enabled sensors can help city planners understand population flow in physical spaces such as parks, streets, workplaces, or retail centers in a privacy-preserving manner. Feeding that data into a larger model can help distribute shared resources efficiently and improve incident response.
Imagine healthier air, all around the globe.
91% of our global population live in areas where air quality exceeds the World Health Organization quality guideline limits.
As air pollution increases, temperatures rise, and our oceans become warmer, local AI is well-suited to address our climate crisis.
Using Coral, governments and companies can build fast and efficient solutions that identify air contamination problems and create preventive measures to limit emissions.
