《奇異博士 2》導演透露拍攝進度:感覺完成了 但我們又剛把所有東西剪掉

《奇異博士2:失控多重宇宙》(Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness)預計將於今年5月6日在北美上映,近日導演Sam Raimi接受外媒《Variety》訪問時,卻表示自己也不知道這部電影究竟何時才算拍完。

“I wish I knew the answer to that question,” Raimi said, responding to the question of whether the movie was complete. “I think we’re done, but we just cut everything. We’re just starting to test the picture and we’ll find out if there’s anything that’s got to be picked up. If something’s unclear or another improvement I can make in this short amount of time left, I’ll do it. One thing I know about the Marvel team is they won’t stop. They’ll keep pushing it until it’s as close to being great as it could.”


可想而知,《奇異博士 2》的電影未有終極定案,在《蜘蛛俠:不戰無歸》放映後,加上多重宇宙的發展,讓《奇異博士 2》的走向更多元,其發展空間之大難以想像,《奇異博士》的續集將是MCU通往大規模新世代的關鍵。

資料&圖片來源:Variety、YouTube@Marvel Entertainment
