V社急轉彎!報告指Steam Deck初發售時會因兼容問題無法運行部份遊戲

今年七月Valve公佈了旗下第一台主機平台 - 「Steam Deck」,雖然得到無數玩家的關注,但亦有人持負面態度。官方為求減少反對聲音,急忙大派平心丸,號稱Steam Deck沒有一款無法運行的Steam平台遊戲。不過除著大家對Steam Deck的關注度下降,卻由開發人員口中傳來了打面消息。
根據外媒Rock Paper Shotgun的一份報導指出,與Velva一起開發了兼容層「Proton」的軟件開發機構CodeWeavers,其總裁James B. Ramey指出Steam Deck雖然硬件性能強大,但Proton本身未必能兼容到所有遊戲,即使相容性表現良好,但現階段只能確保有16000款Steam能夠成功兼容,其餘不確定的遊戲只能期望在日後的更新完達致兼容的地步。

【關於James B. Ramey的發言】

“I think there are two messages that have been kind of mashed together when people focus and talk on this, The first message is when Pierre-Loup made his announcement and stated that the Steam Deck can support any and all games. I think what he was referencing is — and this is my opinion, this is my perception, this is not something I have talked to him about — but I think he was trying to state that the device itself, the hardware specs on this device, can support any game.”

(我認為當人們關注和談論這個 [Steam Deck能運行所有遊戲] 時,有兩條信息被混合在一起。第一條消息是 Pierre-Loup 宣布並表示 Steam 平台可以支持任何和所有遊戲。我認為他所指的是……這是我的觀點,這是我的看法,這不是我和他溝通過的結論……我認為他是試圖說明設備本身,設備上的硬件規格,可以支持任何遊戲。)

“I don’t necessarily think he was referencing supporting that game in Proton — I think he was referencing that the device has the horsepower, the video graphics, the RAM, the hard drive space to support any game out there.”

(我不肯定他指的是 Proton 支持該遊戲,我認為他指的是該設備具有支持任何遊戲的運算能力、視頻圖形、RAM以及硬盤空間。)

“I do think that because Proton is a living, breathing project; it’s not something that is static in any way, shape, or form,There is a lot of effort being poured into Proton to support a broader range of games even that is available then currently today. So you’re going to see that when the Steam Deck is released and Proton is put on the Steam Deck that there is going to be a greater number of titles that are supported.”

(我確實認為,因為 Proton 是一個活生生的項目;它在任何方面、形狀或形式上都不是靜態的,Proton 投入了大量精力來兼容更多的遊戲,即使是目前可用的遊戲。所以你會看到,當 Steam Deck發售並且 Proton 被運用到 Steam Deck上時,將會有更多的遊戲得到支持。)


標籤: Steam Deck  Valve  CodeWeavers  Proton