潛在商業糾紛?Apple拒絕Steam Link App於App Store上架!

早前Valve就宣佈將會推出Steam Link App同埋Steam Video App,Video App就同其他串流平台一樣用嚟喺手機睇Steam嘅片,而Link App就係利用遠端操作串流技術喺手機remote control電腦,連埋個手掣就可以喺手機玩到Steam嘅Game。Steam Link App Beta已經喺Google Play上架。

其實早喺5/7 Apple已經批咗Steam Link App嘅審查,不過喺5/9 Apple就以"先前未意識到Steam Link App同'App指南'嘅'商業衝突'有抵觸",撤銷咗Steam Link App嘅上架申請。Valve其後上訴,表示Steam Link App只係一款遠端操作嘅app,App Store亦有大量類似嘅app。不過,Apple最終都係拒絕俾Valve喺App Store上架。Valve表示對於Apple拒絕上架感到極度失望,其團隊喺整個審查嘅過程花咗相當多嘅心力,希望Apple會重新考慮俾唔俾Steam Link App上架。

引用On Monday, May 7th, Apple approved the Steam Link app for release. On Weds, May 9th, Valve released news of the app. The following morning, Apple revoked its approval citing business conflicts with app guidelines that had allegedly not been realized by the original review team. Valve appealed, explaining the Steam Link app simply functions as a LAN-based remote desktop similar to numerous remote desktop applications already available on the App Store. Ultimately, that appeal was denied leaving the Steam Link app for iOS blocked from release. The team here spent many hours on this project and the approval process, so we're clearly disappointed. But we hope Apple will reconsider in the future.
