
Nintendo Switch的成功無容置疑,3月至今已經售出超過763萬台,最近更入選權威雜誌《TIME》的2017年度25大最佳發明。其實由任天堂涉足遊戲界開始,不論遊戲還是主機都一直帶領着潮流,就好像紅白機、超任靠遊戲性把不少廠商擊退;SONY利用PSP希望把手提推向高畫質時代,可是任天堂卻想到利用雙mon+觸控式螢幕突圍,到了3DS年代手提機市場連SONY也敗退;當SONY、Microsoft不斷宣揚畫質很重要,任天堂就推出以體感作為主打的Wii,這項技術SONY及Microsoft"抄都抄唔切",雖然體感在現今看似不再重要,但其實只是融合在VR設備內。雖然經歷了Wii U的失敗,但正正因為Wii U的失敗才令任天堂走回正確的方向,創新才是任天堂應走的路!

引用“When you have a great game, that moment of disappointment is when you have to stop playing,”says Reggie Fils-Aimé, president of Nintendo of America. And so, with the Nintendo Switch, you don’t have to. In one form, it’s a handheld tablet, allowing a single user to game on the go. In another, two controllers slide off from the sides, allowing multiple users to get in on the action. Once they get home, they can slide that tablet into a docking station and continue playing on a legitimate home console. Gamers seem to like the flexibility: Nintendo has sold 7.63 million Switches since its March debut; it’s expected to surpass the company’s previous console, the Wii U, by the end of its fiscal year. —Lisa Eadicicco

