導演James Gunn:肯定有《銀河守護隊3》!

《銀河守護隊》導演James Gunn被問到關於第三集的想法,他向粉絲發放好消息:『將會有《銀河守護隊3》,那是肯定的。我們在想要怎麼做,有什麼我們真的想要做到的,這最為重要。要找到我要達到的目標,想怎樣去使用未來三年的時間。我將要製作一部大片,是《銀河守護隊3》還是其他電影?我要在未來幾星期內思考這件事。』

引用There will be a Guardians 3, that’s for sure. We’re trying to figure it out. I’m trying to figure out what I want to do really, that’s all it is. I got to figure out where I want to be, what I want to spend the next three years of my life doing. You know, I’m going to make another big movie; is it the Guardians or something else? I’m just going to figure it out over the next couple of weeks.



來源: Collider.com

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標籤: 銀河守護隊