
曼聯門將迪基亞(David De Gea)近日隨隊去了杜拜休養。現時球員們在1月15日對史篤城之前可以享受大約一星期的休息,他相信休息會幫助曼聯球員盡快回復狀態。



他表示:「目前實在有太多比賽,甚至可以用瘋狂來形容,但我們必須發揮出我們應有的實力,贏得勝利。 我在西班牙的朋友都認為聖誕節及新年假期應該都是在度假的,不過這裹是英格蘭,這段時間的密集比賽是英超聯賽的歷史。所以在這麼多場比賽之後,好好休息是件好事,讓球員休息放鬆,恢復和訓練是很好的。」

引用"It's a bit crazy with a lot of games at this time but we have to play and have to try to win," he said. "It's always a special time for everyone. They [my friends in Spain] think everyone is on holiday but we play [games] and this is England - this is the history of the Premier League.

"So it is good to have some rest to recover after so many games. It's good for the team and for the players to have some rest to relax, recover and train. Of course, as a player, I want to play every game in every competition. Of course, the FA Cup is a special trophy and I want to play every game but I know there are other players who want to play as well and have a chance to play.

"It's good to have a bigger squad with a lot of players so, when we have a lot of games, we can change the players and it's good to use the squad."


標籤: 曼聯