
唔知大家之前有無睇報導,奧雲早前晌twitter 大話朗尼個樣就復生,但個頭就好似阿伯咁,令到朗尼木1嬲,仲叫佢唔可以晌twitter 到公開討論呢個話題,令到奧雲事後即刻嗱嗱聲道歉...

Owen tweeted, “by the way, how old are you in that photo? Your face looks like a 12-year old’s but your hair looks like a 60-year olds!”
In response to this Rooney said, “easy mo u know that’s a sensitive subject.”
As mirror.co.uk reported Owen then replied, “Won’t mention it again in public then!!!”


估唔到原來朗尼真係好介意自己個頭,仲俾英國傳媒八到,佢為咗解決這個男士煩惱,近日得地去到倫敦一間Harley street hair clinic,book咗一個兩日嘅高科技植髮療程,仲話有番頭髮之後,望落去好似後生咗5年添...最佩服佢嘅係,不知有幾多男人都介意同人講頭髮問題,點知佢就晌自己個twitter到直認不諱..真係非常之佩服佢嘅勇氣,就連佢老婆高蓮都大讃佢...

He said: "Just to confirm to all my followers I have had a hair transplant. I was going bald at 25 why not. I'm delighted with the result."
朗尼話:想同大家講我去咗植髮,我 25歲咁後生就禿頭,冇理由唔走去植髮架,我對整出嚟個結果好滿意!

"It's still a bit bruised and swollen when it dies down u will be first to see it. Anyone recommend any good hair gel. Hi all let's try and get hairwego trending. I had it done in Harley Street Hair Clinic London. Thanks to all the staff who looked after me."

Wife Coleen added on Twitter: "Hiya!! Yes Wayne's had his hair done! His own decision not me asking him, like a lot are saying!! Pleased for him and it will look great x



標籤: 曼聯  朗尼  高蓮