
爵爺:我永不以和波為目標。(I’ve never played for a draw in my life.)

雲尼斯達萊:我的字典中無失敗兩個字。(Losing is not in my vocabulary.)

古列治:只有離開咗,先會無嘢再學到。(You only stop learning when you quit.)

柏金:每一腳波,都要諗過先好踢。(Behind every kick of the ball, there has to be a thought.)

雲加:不相信,你就無機會。(If you do not believe you can do it, then you have no chance at all.)

告魯夫:足球很簡單,但很難簡單去對待。(Soccer is simple. But it is difficult to play simple.)

堅尼:準備失敗,準備失敗。(Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.)


標籤: 金句  堅尼