iOS5 新功能流出 語音助理

外國網站 9to5Mac 今天流一張iOS5 新功能的相片, 更披露該功能的用法及特色. 這一項新功能是一個包括Speech Recognition 及 Answering Engine 的系統, 用家可以以語音控制 scheduling, reminder, and 發送SMS 等工作. 另一方面它同時係一個識講野既好幫手, 系統會結合有名的Wolfram Alpha. 用戶可以直接向系統發出問題, 系統會由Wolfram Alpha 的數據庫上找出語音答案, 而且用戶可以按自己需要, 編定語音提示去提醒自己, 例如進入超市時會有語音提醒自己要購買牛奶.

報導指該系統會需要強大的計算, 對硬體上要有一定的要求.除了需要A5 chip 之外, 還要有 1 GB RAM 去支持. 現有的iPhone4 / iPad 2 RAM 只有512 MB , 未必能夠應付. 如果真係的話, 此功能有冇為大家購買新iPhone 增加一個新的理由?

"The system will actually speak back and forth with the user to gain the most information in order to provide the best results. The user essentially can hold a conversation with their iPhone like it is another human being. For example, if a user is making a meeting with me, they will say “setup meeting with Mark” and the first “bubble” of the conversation thread will say that. After that, the system will speak back: “which e-mail address should Mark be notified at, work or personal?” This question will both be spoken out loud by the iPhone Assistant and shown as a new “bubble” in the conversation thread. The user will then respond with the email address they want to notify me at, and the appointment will be made. The iPhone will even show a quick glance at a calendar view to confirm the appointment. If the Assistant was sending an SMS, as another example, a mini SMS view would appear so the user has a quick glance at the SMS thread."

