

Paul Wernick(左)和 Rhett Reese (右)

曾於首兩部《死侍》擔任編劇的Rhett Reese和Paul Wernick在出席一個電影座談會時透露《死侍3》的未來進展:
引用Kevin Feige has so much on his plate, and he is the master of the universe. When Kevin says it’s time, it’ll be time. That may be a year from now, it may be six months from now, it may be three years from now. He doesn’t make a wrong move, so whatever decision he makes will be the right one. Again, we’re ready to snap to it whenever Ryan gives us that call and says ‘Let’s go.’ And that’s also about finding the right idea and how that fits into the larger MCU universe. It’s a little more complicated than when we were at Fox, but we’re happy to be part of the MCU now, and whatever Kevin says, we do.

至於以往曾多次透露漫威電影小道消息的Jeremy Conrad 則若有所指說:「有關宣佈製作《死侍》的傳言傳得鋪天蓋地,但其實宣佈製作的時間會比你們的想像中更接近!」

死侍在漫威電影第四階段的角色定位則引來種種推測,貧僧認為死侍最大機會和蜘蛛俠在電影中並肩作戰,亦會在將來重歸《變種特攻》的電影裡面。另外,在漫畫中是死對頭的死侍及制裁者亦可能會有相關的電影題材出現,以再度上演英雄內戰的戲碼!另外,根據兩位編劇的說法,帥氣幽默的Ryan Reynolds亦會繼續飾演死侍一角,到時候我們又可以在銀幕上看到他的英姿了。

來源: https://bgr.com/2019/10/21/deadpool-3-release-date-is-an-announcement-coming-soon/


標籤: 死侍  漫威