《球爸:Lamelo Ball絕對不會加盟UCLA》

今天球爸Lavar Ball接受訪問時表示了:「我小兒子Lamelo Ball加盟UCLA的機率是0%,並不會追隨哥哥的腳步加盟,因為UCLA對LiAngelo的處分實在是太超過了」。
There's a ZERO percent chance LaMelo Ball will follow in his bro's footsteps and play at UCLA next season ... so says LaVar Ball who tells us he's still furious over the way the school treated LiAngelo.
So, where's he gonna play his college ball next year? Definitely not in Westwood.

Remember, LiAngelo withdrew from UCLA after the shoplifting incident in China. UCLA had suspended him indefinitely but that didn't sit well with LaVar.

As for LaMelo, Ball says he'll start taking recruiting trips to colleges "when he feels like it."

目前Lamelo Ball效力於俄亥俄州的Spire高中,2001出生的球小弟目前已經長到201公分了,展現出的天賦還是受到期待。

而Lamelo Ball本人是對肯塔基、北卡、堪薩斯、密西根州大、杜克等學校展現興趣,而這些學校也很有機會對Lamelo提出獎學金。

另外近期也看到巴哈拉馬大學也對Lamelo Ball提出了一份offer 。

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