
現年 36歲、前利物浦隊長謝拉特喺離開美職洛杉磯銀河之後去向一直令球迷關注,過去有傳謝拉特將會去些路迪和羅渣士重聚,亦有傳謝拉特獲邀執教英甲球會 MK Dons。

不過謝拉特今日喺社交媒體正式宣佈退休,結束 18年的職業球員生涯。




我十分幸運可以在晏菲路和不少出色球員、不少傑出領隊合作,感謝你們,當然亦要感謝每名 backroom的職員默默付出支持。

在此我要特別感謝 Steve Heighway, Dave Shannon and Hugh McAuley (編注:以上三人為當時利物浦青訓領隊),感激他們在我成長階段時相信我,為我的職業生涯建立舞台,令我夢想成真。


在此我亦要特別感謝 Struan Marshall,我的經理人,以及 Wasserman的團隊在過去18年的支持。


最後,最重要要感謝的是我的家人,我的父母親、我的兄長 Paul他們無盡的支持,你們的支持對我十分重要 it has meant everything to me。當然亦要感謝我的妻子 Alex以及三名女兒 Lily, Lexie and Lourdes妳們的愛和支持。無論順流逆流,你們都默默支持我,如果沒有大家的支持,我不會有今日的成就。


當幾個禮拜前洛杉磯銀河喺美職季後賽出局後,謝拉特和洛杉磯銀河隊的合同亦已完結。過去謝拉特喺利物浦效力 17年並為利物浦上陣 710場比賽射入 186個入球,協助利物浦贏得 1次歐聯冠軍、1次歐洲足協盃冠軍、2次足總盃冠軍、3次聯賽盃冠軍,以及 1次歐洲超級盃冠軍。


I have had an incredible career and am thankful for each and every moment of my time at Liverpool, England and LA Galaxy.

I feel very fortunate to have had the career I've had but none of it would have been possible without the support of so many people.

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone at Liverpool Football Club. I am proud to have played for and captained Liverpool for so many years and to have achieved what we achieved during my time at the club.
I was lucky to play alongside some great players and under some fantastic managers during my time at Anfield and would like to thank each and every one of them, as well as all of the backroom staff at the club for the fantastic support they showed me.

I would like to say a special thank you to Steve Heighway, Dave Shannon and Hugh McAuley for believing in me when I was making my way at Liverpool and for giving me the platform to go on and fulfil my dreams.

Thank you to the amazing fans of Liverpool, England and LA Galaxy for the incredible backing you have given me throughout my career. Your loyalty and support has meant the world.

I would like to thank Struan Marshall, my agent throughout my career, and the team at Wasserman for all of their support over the past 18 years.

I feel lucky to have had such a close group of friends that I have always been able to count and rely on throughout the course of my career. Thank you to all of you.

Finally, the most important thank you; to my family. I cannot thank my Mum, Dad and brother Paul enough for their unconditional support over the years, it has meant everything to me. To my wife Alex and children Lily, Lexie and Lourdes, thank you for the constant love and support you’ve shown me. You’ve been there through the good times and the bad and without you nothing would have been possible. Thank you for everything.

I am excited about the future and feel I still have a lot to offer the game. I am currently taking my time to consider a number of options and will make an announcement with regards to the next stage of my career very soon.

英國 BBC報導:

各位球迷如果想要更多 Liverpool資訊,可以到 facebook 專頁按個讚,支持下啦。


標籤: 利物浦  謝拉特  洛杉磯銀河