Metta World Peace:「我是世界上最好的小前鋒之一。」

據外國傳媒報導,Metta World Peace近期很可能會重返NBA效力湖人,而他在訪問中不斷強調自己是世界上最好的小前鋒之一。

現年35歲的World Peace表示,他能夠接受任何結果,不論是到哪個國家以及哪支球隊比賽。報導指,World Peace的經理人已經聯繫了多支球隊,但他們對簽下World Peace好像都不太感興趣。

World Peace表示,雖然他與湖人總經理Kupchak有著不錯的關係,但原來他並沒有與對方商談過自己重返湖人一事。而不論最終他會否重返湖人,他與Kupchak的關係也不會變。
引用Me and Mitch have a cool relationship but we have not talked about me coming back to the Lakers.Whether I come to the Lakers or not, me and Mitch would still be cool.
目前,World Peace都在湖人的球場進行訓練,而對於自己未來的去向,他並不願意談論。他表示,自己依然是世界上最出色的小前鋒之一,但他的職業生涯有起有跌,故不少球隊都有著擔心,像球隊能用上他嗎? 他適合哪個位置呢? 他對於新秀來說是好嗎? 他還能夠比賽嗎? 不過以上問題,World Peace認為自己還是世界上最好的小前鋒之一,故並不是問題。不過真正的問題是,他能夠融入一支球隊,以及教練能夠執教好他? 這才是真實的問題,而他正努力訓練以求成為最好之一。
引用I don’t really know, honestly. I work out. I’m still one of the best small forwards in the world but my career has been up and down. With my career being up and down, some teams are like, ‘Can we use Metta World Peace, where is he going to fit in? Is he going to be good for the rookies? Can he still play?’ I’m still one of the best small forwards in the world so that’s not a question. But the question is can I actually fit into a team and can a coach coach me? Those are realistic questions and it’s cool. I still train to be one of the best.
World又認為,自己的過去令有些球隊有著別的想法,他們不願意與他簽約並不是因為他不是最好之一,而是因為他過去在更衣室有著差勁的態度,而World Peace對此願意直接回應。
引用For many reasons. Not because I’m not one of the best- I could take anyone’s spot if I really wanted to. But there are other things my career has started off with controversy. Sometimes I wasn’t great in the locker room. So there are questions I have to always answer.


