【最新消息】黃蜂中鋒Al Jefferson藥檢呈陽性,將被禁賽5場

今天,黃蜂中鋒Al Jefferson繼續因傷缺陣球隊與熱火的比賽,不過即使他傷癒後亦未能即時回到比賽,因為日前他的藥檢呈陽性反應,故被NBA官方禁賽。


而被停賽的Jefferson亦對於自己的行為進行道歉,並向老闆(Michael Jordan)、隊友以及教練就自己的錯誤決定道歉。Jefferson表示知道自己讓人們感到失望,特別是黃蜂的球迷非常支持他。對於能夠以他最愛的籃球來建立他的生活,Jefferson表示感恩,並且不認為這是理所當然的。再一次,他非常對不起,並且承諾會在未來作一些更聰明的決定。
引用I want to apologize to the Hornets organization, our owner, my teammates and my coaches for the poor decision that I made. I know I have let people down, especially the Hornets fans that have been so supportive of me since I arrived in Charlotte two years ago. I am blessed to be able to play the game that I love for a living and I do not take that for granted. From the bottom of my heart, I am truly sorry, and I am committed to making smarter decisions in the future.

消息來源: http://uproxx.com/

