J.R. Smith仍未續約的原因不是金錢,而是合約的年期!

J.R. Smith與騎士仍未達成共識,Smith在剛剛奪得總冠軍後並沒有穿衣服過暑假,除了他結婚外。LeBron James一早已經明確表示,他認為Smith必須續約留在騎士。但這名騎士舉足輕重的射手在訓練營開始只有一星期仍然沒有收到合同。根據Cleveland.com報告該交易,而不是金錢的問題,而是合約的年期。


he Cavs are already more than $22 million over the the NBA's $94 million salary cap. By league rules, they can go over the cap to retain Smith, but couldn't replace him with a free agent who would command a similar contract.

While neither Smith nor Paul has ever confirmed this figure, it is believed he's looking for a contract worth about $15 million annually. The two sides may not be arguing over money so much as the length of the deal -- the Cavs would likely prefer a shorter contract.

J.R. Smith經常簽下短合同,先在紐約,然後在克利夫蘭。事實上,他今年表現出色,希望為自己爭取一份更好的合同,確保未來數年得到穩定的薪金,對於年紀漸大的他也許是最後的機會。他切換到LeBron James的經紀人Rich Paul。去年,國王希望他回來,但是Paul已經顯示不為所動等待Eric Bledsoe及Tristan Thompson解決。

最有可能的結果是Smith在未來七天簽下大合同,如果沒有的話,肯定在賽季開始前。但是J.R. Smith必定能承諾能交出穩定的表現,因為Smith整個職業生涯也不是很平穩,儘管他是騎士十分關鍵的球員。

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