Paul Pierce:「快艇也是一支超級球隊!」

Paul Pierce指出提及超級球隊時,你們可能想起勇士或是Derrick Rose的紐約人言論,但也不要忘記快艇也是其中一隊。勇士是超級球隊也沒有太大的爭議,他們擁有Stephen Curry,Klay Thompson,Kevin Durant及Draymond Green,的確是一支聯盟中最強大的球隊。至於紐約人,陣容確實看起來很好,但一切也要等待正式比賽後才能作出評論。

至於快艇,Paul Pierce在訪問表示:

“你看看Chris Paul,Blake Griffin, DeAndre Jordan都是NBA一隊的成員。”
“我們亦擁有最好的三分射手J.J. Redick及年度最佳第六人Jamal Crawford。”

引用“To me, I think we have a super team here,” Pierce stated at Clippers media day on Monday. “You look at Chris Paul who’s been first-team all-NBA … Blake Griffin first-team … DeAndre Jordan currently first-team All-NBA.

“I mean how many teams can currently say that? You have the best three-point shooter in the NBA (J.J. Redick). You have the Sixth Man of the Year (Jamal Crawford). I mean why is this not a super team? What defines super team? When you look at those stats and you hear when I’m saying, this could very well easily be what’s considered a super team.”

說實話,他的說話也不是錯的。他們擁有NBA最好的控衛Chris Paul,或許是聯盟前5名的得分後衛.J. Redick及兩名大個子球員的串聯Blake Griffin及DeAndre Jordan。的確,他們的陣容絕對不差,但當然也未達到勇士的水平,快艇的成績往往令人失望,今年他們最需要做的事就是突破季後賽第二圈,才配得起超級球隊這個名字。
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標籤: NBA  快艇  Paul Pierce