【三分球時代】Blake Griffin 把進攻範圍擴至三分線

對於快艇,上賽季絕對是一個令人失望的球季,Blake Griffin在今個夏天把自己的三分球強化,他前六年的職業生涯合共嘗試155個三分球,平均每場投進0.4球。他期待在2016-17會有重大的改變,本週早期,他告訴記者他在休賽期把自己的進攻範圍擴大至三分線。這件事情不僅有利於他個人的進攻,也幫助整支球隊的進攻。

Blake Griffin週四在加州大學中表示:

"很多大前鋒的實力都在內線及多功能性。你看最好的大前鋒,Anthony Davis,LaMarcus Aldridge,Draymond Green 他們可以外線投籃,而且控球實力也不錯,亦可以在內線得分。”
引用As people around the Clippers have hoped over the past three seasons, Griffin seems ready to take his game beyond the 3-point line. Now, it’s on him to take the shots when they present themselves.

“I want to be someone who shoots from there confidently, for sure,” Griffin said after Thursday’s practice at UC Irvine’s Bren Events Center. “A lot of us power forwards, our strength is inside or our versatility. You look at the best power forwards, Anthony Davis, LaMarcus (Aldridge), Draymond (Green) … they can all shoot but they can all put the ball on the floor and they can all score inside. I don’t necessarily think falling in love with the 3-point shot is a good idea, but shooting it confidently from there is great.”

如果Griffin下季在三分線上能交出30%的命中率,他會幫助快艇的進攻很多,特別是場上製造空位時。上賽季,當Griffin及DeAndre Jordan同時在陣中時,快艇好像出現了一些問題。Griffin傷出後快艇的進攻看起來更好,今季他們兩名大個子如何配合就是關鍵。

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標籤: NBA  快艇  Blake Griffin