Dwyane Wade:「我曾經想過加入騎士,但是我不適合那裡。」

有報導指出Dwyane Wade與公牛簽約前,他曾經考慮加入他好友LeBron James的騎士。但是他得到的薪酬將會更小,可是騎士很有機會為他贏得第四個總冠軍。當他接受SLAM’s的訪問中Wade表示,他認為騎士確實是其中一個選擇,但是他認為自己並不適合騎士。

Dwyane Wade表示:
引用Wade insists that this is all about Chicago.
"For me, it's as simple as, I got a deal in Miami for $41 million, I got a deal in Chicago for $47 million," Wade says. "It didn't come down to the money. I thought about Cleveland, but I didn't fit there. You don't just do something because, Oh, I could win the ring there. I have three rings. I don't need to chase the ring. This is what I wanted to do. I couldn't fight it. If you fight it, you're gonna always be like, You shoulda, or, What could've--I don't like to live my life like that."

Wade曾經說過他是跟隨他內心而選擇了公牛,他可以在家鄉打球,在籃球角度,公牛的確比騎士更適合Wade。如果他加盟騎士,他和J.R. Smith怎樣分配呢?Smith上賽季打出絕佳的球季,他已經與LeBron James建立了化學作用,而且騎士的陣容已經經過兩年磨合,日漸成熟。他經過13年邁阿密的生涯,如果他要轉會最大可能就是他的家鄉。

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標籤: NBA  Dwyane Wade  LeBron James