活塞今夏可以清出6000萬美金的薪資空間 他們正在關注Tobias Harris和Miles Bridges


不過據Hoopshype記者Michael Scotto報導,陣容空間靈活的活塞今夏可能會在自由球員市場有頗大的動作。

Michael Scotto指出,如果活塞不執行Evan Fournier的球隊選項,兼放走Troy Brown的話,他們將會空出高達6000萬美金的薪資空間,而活塞的A計劃不會像去年火箭那樣用掉所有薪資空間。
Michael Scotto進一步表示,活塞可能會考慮簽下Tobias Harris或者Miles Bridges這樣的球員,這兩人在進入休賽期後肯定會被底特律球隊關注。而無論是活塞或者是聯盟其他球隊,他們一定會關注那些未能達到預期的季後賽球隊,這些球隊可能會做出改變來改變現狀,或者其中一支球隊的明星球員有離開的想法。

引用Michael Scotto: Looking ahead to the offseason, Detroit could have up to $60 million in cap space if they decline Evan Fournier’s team option and let go of Troy Brown. Everyone is looking for them to do what the Houston Rockets did a summer ago and spend all their cap space available. From what I’ve heard, plan A is not to go the Houston route and spend all the cap space money they have in free agency. There’s a possibility Detroit will look to sign a free agent like Tobias Harris or Miles Bridges, two guys that will certainly be on their radar heading into the offseason, and then use the remaining cap space to potentially acquire a player in a trade. Whether it’s Detroit or other teams around the league, they’re all monitoring playoff teams that fail to meet expectations and could either make a change to shake things up or a star player on one of those teams becomes disgruntled and wants out. -via HoopsHype

Source: Hoopshype
