「太空飛鼠」Damon Stoudamire簡評馬刺隊&比較Kawhi Leonard與Bruce Bowen

綽號「太空飛鼠」的Damon Stoudamire 1995年的NBA選秀中首輪第七順位被多倫多暴龍選中,並在新季賽季榮膺「年度最佳新秀」。職業生涯先後效力過暴龍、拓荒者、灰熊,又曾在2007/08賽季效力馬刺隊效力一個球季,常規賽及季後賽共上陣38場。

近日他在有關NBA名人堂活動場上接受美國媒體MassLive的採訪,談及對於馬刺隊以至GDP、Kawhi Leonard、Boris Diaw等人的看法。

Damon Stoudamire 表示“聖安東尼奧馬刺有自己的籃球文化,對於我而言,就像身處於一個大學群體,但是這更像是一種文化。馬刺球員會在球隊體系中不斷地嘗試新事物,並在其中找到自己的不足之處。Tony Parker和Manu Ginobili都是這樣的球員,而Tim Duncan更是這支球隊的重心。在我看來,Tony Parker和Manu Ginobili正在為這種球隊文化的傳承做出犧牲,即使他們有個人的得分能力,但現在馬刺隊在各個位置上都有著十分出色的球員。”
引用San Antonio is a culture more than anything. To me, it's almost like a college program, so it's like a culture. The things they exemplify and identify themselves with, it has to do with teamwork. As crazy as it sounds, Tony (Parker) and even Manu (Ginobili) to a certain extent — I think Tim (Duncan) has always been a focal point — but Tony and Manu, to me, sometimes get sacrificed because of the culture. Even though they are scoring now, I don't know if they are scoring more now or if they plugged in better players at other positions.

Damon Stoudamire亦在採訪中表達了對Kawhi Leonard的肯定,他認為Kawhi Leonard的防守能夠媲美Bruce Bowen,而在進攻方面要比Bowen優勝,相信大家有欣賞過Kawhi Leonard2013/14賽季「總冠軍賽MVP」及2014/15賽季「最佳防守球員」的表現都會認同。而他認為Boris Diaw可以取代以前Robert Horry的角色,以往Robert Horry在關鍵時刻有大心臟,而Boris Diaw則強在他的傳導能力,而以上的球員都強化了球隊的進攻。
引用As good as Bruce Bowen was defensively, he's not Kawhi Leonard offensively, and Kawhi Leonard is him defensively. You have Boris Diaw now when you used to have Robert (Horry), although Robert hit big shots. You have another guy who can facilitate and make passes. They added better offensive weapons at some of those positions. That's why it looks better.

資料來源:NBA MassLive
