Shaquille O'Neal認為Michael Jordan可以打敗LeBron James,但他心目中的No.1竟然另有其人

近日Shaquille O'Neal與Mike Miller在香港出席能量飲品的宣傳活動,O'Neal職業生涯中曾經分別對上過全盛時期的Michael Jordan和LeBron James,亦曾經跟James為隊友,而這位擁有四枚總冠軍指環的中鋒對Jordan日前說自己巔峰時可以單挑打敗James的說法,他表示完全認同。

“Michael Jordan一定會贏。如果Jordan能夠對上James,這將會很有趣。LeBron James的打法比較像Magic Johnson,或許應該說他是Jordan和Magic的混合體,因為他既可以傳球,亦可以得分。但Jordan就是Jordan,他太特別,他能做到所有人都做不到的事,所以沒有人能跟他相比。他就是這樣特別,所以他會贏”
引用"It would be an interesting game," said O'Neal. "Young LeBron was more like (Lakers Hall of Famer) Magic Johnson. He was sort of like Magic with Jordan's abilities. He liked to pass, and he liked to get it up.

"But Mike was Mike. He was just special, like no one else. He always did things no one else could do, and things you couldn't compare to anyone else. So he was special, and he'd win."

雖然O'Neal見證過全盛時期的Michael Jordan和LeBron James,但1970-1980年代的「J博士」Julius Erving才是他心目中的No.1。雖然現在已經很少人提起「J博士」的名字,但在O'Neal而言,他才是No.1。雖然我們永遠不會知道誰才是真正的最強,就如O'Neal的例子,有些人覺得李小龍應該可以打趴O'Neal(筆者表示同意...),也有些人則認為O'Neal身型要比李小龍大上兩倍佔優,我們永遠不會知道他和李小龍單挑誰會打敗對方。這是有趣的討論,儘管我們沒法知道答案。
引用"I've seen young Mike and young LeBron and I must say Dr. J is still my favourite player," said O'Neal. "A lot of people today don't even mention his name but to me I still think he was the best. But these are questions that we'll never know the answer to.

"It's a bit like if I met Bruce Lee in an alleyway. Who would win? You'll never know. Some people say well Bruce would kick Shaq's ass. Some people say well Shaq is two times bigger than Bruce Lee. It's a good question, a good conversation. But we'll never know."

附上「J博士」Julius Erving 職業生涯的精華片段

資料來源:Yahoo Sports Youtube Channel ChicagoBulls92
