Jimmy Butler勤奮全因這個好萊塢明星好友

要激勵自己,最好辦法是尋找一個榜樣,職業運動員也一樣,看著自己的模範偶像從而鞭策自己,芝加哥公牛隊球星Jimmy Butler也不例外。

近日在拉斯維加斯美國隊訓練營中,Jimmy Butler接受訪問,並談及自己的好友馬克華柏格 Mark Wahlberg (曾主演《變形金剛4》《熊麻吉》等電影),他表示是這位好萊塢明星好友無時無刻激勵著自己。

Jimmy Butler向公牛隊官網記者Sam Smith表示 ,“他(馬克華柏格 Mark Wahlberg)不管我是不是一個NBA球員,他只想我朝著正確的方向前進。他是很多人的模範。我非常敬佩他對待家庭、孩子以至助手的態度。每個人都非常尊敬他,因為他非常尊敬你。”
引用“More than anything he doesn’t care I am an NBA player,” said Butler, via Sam Smith of Bulls.com. “He just wants me moving in the right direction. He’s a role model for so many people. But I look up to him for the way he is with his kids, his family. And the way he treats his entourage (the successful HBO series and later movie was loosely based on Wahlberg). Everybody respects the guy because he treats you with respect. That’s how I want to be known. I want to treat you all with respect."

Jimmy Butler補充,“他很了不起,他是我身邊最努力的人之一。他大概四點半或者五點起床,看看劇本,接著就開始一天的工作。我之所以能夠清晨五點爬起來訓練,實際上是受他的影響。”
引用“The dude is an incredible dude,” Butler said. “He is one of the most genuine people you can be around. He works hard, studies the scripts. He just finished up 'Deepwater Horizon', but he’s probably on two scripts from now because that’s how his mind works. He’s actually the one (that) got (me) waking up at 5 o’clock and working because that’s what he does, wakes up 4:30, 5 and he reads (scripts) and then he goes works out and starts his day.”

Jimmy Butler 2014/15賽季表現脫胎換骨,攻守俱佳並站穩正選一席,皆能擔當得分主力,亦能擔起凍結對方主力的重任,更榮膺「最佳進步球員」,又入選「最佳防守陣容二隊」及全明星賽。2015/16 新球季的公牛絕對值得期待,而賽場上隨時可能會看見馬克華柏格Mark Wahlberg的身影。

最後附上Jimmy Butler 2014/15賽季的十大金球。第六球完封James Harden!第五球霸氣雙手補扣!

資料來源:NBA Youtube Channel NBA FOX Sports


標籤: Jimmy Butler  Mark Wahlberg