
Kobe Bryant生於1978年8月23日,效力於洛杉磯湖人19個球季。Kobe曾在2005/06賽季對多倫多暴龍的比賽中拿下單場職業生涯最高的81分。直至上個賽季,Kobe總共為湖人拿下5次NBA總冠軍,2次NBA總冠軍MVP,16次入選NBA明星賽,1次NBA年度MVP,4次NBA明星賽MVP,2次NBA得分王,以及2 屆奧運會金牌。他的成就絕對無法否定,但綜觀洛杉磯湖人的悠長歷史,他是否湖人史上最偉大球員?以下挑選了部分專家的意見。

Fran Blinebury,可以放在考慮之列,但「天勾」Kareem Abdul-Jabbar和Magic Johnson會是我心目中的湖人史上最佳。Kareem Abdul-Jabbar保持了NBA的總得分紀錄,並曾6奪MVP;而Magic帶領湖人5奪總冠軍,12個賽季9次打進總決賽,並開展了湖人現代的王朝盛世。
引用Fran Blinebury, You can put him in the conversation and I’ll listen. But Kareem and Magic are at the top of my list. One is the all-time leading NBA scorer with six MVPs and the other was the spark that lit the flame on five championship teams, nine Finals appearances in 12 years and began the modern era of the Lakers as the league’s most dominant franchise.

Scott Howard-Cooper,我認為Jerry West是湖人史上最偉大球員。他不僅是一名傳奇球星,亦是一名成功的球隊總經理,同時還是一名教練。Jerry West以不同的身份都取得了很大的成就。除了他以外,很難有另一名如此舉足輕重的人。我們不應忽視Kobe的成就,但 NBA標誌 (Jerry West) 是最偉大的湖人球員
引用Scott Howard-Cooper, Jerry West is. He was a star as a player and a star as a general manager. It would be hard to find anyone who impacted any organization in any sport so much. West had massive roles in championships on different levels. He coached the team as well. There is no reason to diminish anything Kobe has accomplished. But “The Logo” is the greatest Laker.
John Schuhmann,雖然是湖人最為偉大的球員其中之一,但是無法將他排在Magic Johnson之前。Magic帶領湖人5奪總冠軍,他曾經打出NBA歷史最偉大的3場總決賽之一(1980年總決賽第6場),而且顯然他是開創湖人王朝的核心力量,他使得隊友們都變得更好。我總是在想,如果Kobe能夠更加信任隊友,他是否會取得更多的勝利。
引用John Schuhmann, He’s clearly on the short list, but I can’t put him ahead of Magic Johnson, who was the most important player on all five championship teams he played on, had one of the three greatest Finals performances of all-time (1980, Game 6), and was obviously more of a galvanizing force for the Lakers, making his teammates better. I’ll always wonder if Kobe could have won more if he trusted his teammates just a little bit more.

Sekou Smith,是最偉大?我並不認同。我見證過湖人的“Showtime”,見證過Magic Johnson如何風靡所有籃球球迷。Kobe確實是湖人歷史上最佳球員之一,但我不能將最偉大球員的名譽給Kobe而非Magic。
引用Sekou Smith, No. 1? Wow. That’s a tough one. I can’t go there, though, having lived through the Showtime Lakers era and seeing the impact Magic had on not only Lakers fans, but fans everywhere. Kobe’s right up there among the franchise’s greatest players ever, and perhaps even a 1A to Magic, but I can’t give him that No. 1 spot ahead of Magic.

Ian Thomsen,我認為Kobe是湖人史上最偉大球員,他職業生涯直至現在已接近20年,而且他的身邊從來不像Magic Johnson一樣擁有眾多球星為隊友,相反Magic身邊有Kareem Abdul-Jabbar、James Worthy、Bob McAdoo、Byron Scott等偉大球星。科比帶領著的是一支較弱的隊伍,同時聯盟這個時代的競爭卻更為激烈。
引用Ian Thomsen, I’m going to say that Kobe rates No. 1, based on his longevity and the fact that he never had so much talent around him as Magic Johnson had in Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, James Worthy, Bob McAdoo, Byron Scott and the rest. Kobe led from a more vulnerable position, in a league that was more competitive top-to-bottom.

綜觀以上NBA專家的意見,相信大家定必各有自己的見解。大家球齡各有長短,相信有些人可能未曾見識過Magic Johnson和Kareem Abdul-Jabbar的洛杉磯湖人(筆者也是),甚至是Jerry West的年代。最後附上「魔術手」和「天勾賈霸」的精華片段。

資料來源:NBA Youtube Channel NBA Countdown Youtube Channel karolismic
