Amar'e Stoudemire揚言將回復全明星級身手,並領熱火隊爭冠!

在NBA打滾了14個球季的Amar'e Stoudemire上月以1年150萬美元的合同加盟邁亞密熱火,並於日前首次出席球隊的活動,與球隊一眾職員出席了南加洲Fort Lauderdale一所小學的新學年開學典禮,又與學生合照和派禮物。

球隊的訓練營還有一個月左右就開始,儘管他新加入熱火隊,但跟一眾隊友如Dwyane Wade、Chris Bosh、Goran Dragic等都不陌生。今夏他曾和Wade在紐約練球,又與Bosh和曾經在太陽合作的Dragic一直有通訊和聊天。

Amar'e Stoudemire在接受訪問時說道,“我們可以成為一支優秀的球隊,或許沒有人會想到金州勇士會成為上個賽季的總冠軍。我們知道他們是一支出色的隊伍,但沒有人估計到他們會拿下冠軍。至於我們自己,我們知道自己球隊也是一支出色的隊伍。即使沒人認為我們可拿下總冠軍,但你永遠不知道最終的結果。”
引用“We can be a really good team,” Stoudemire said. “No one thought that the Golden State Warriors would be champions this time last year. We knew they’d be a really good team, but no one thought they’d be world champions. With us, we know we’re a really good team. No one thinks we can be world champions, but you never know.”

引用“From playing against Miami, the thing that you learn is that they always have a competitive spirit,” Stoudemire said. “There’s an aura around here that everyone works hard, that you have to be in top shape which is great because I want to be in the best shape of my life going into this season. I want to surprise the world and have a very, very productive year.”

引用“Just four years ago I was an MVP candidate and an All-Star,” Stoudemire said. “I feel like I can still get back to that All-Star level of play. If I can achieve that, then that’s going to help the team in its entirety. … I will accept whatever the role is.”

然而,他在新賽季應先注意自己的身體問題。過去四個球季,他僅上陣了200場,而且受膝傷困擾。再者,他在熱火隊中的地位並不明確。新球季熱火隊能走多遠,且看有Dwyane Wade、Goran Dragic、Chris Bosh、Loul Deng、Hassan Whiteside加上Stoudemire等人的陣容如何發揮。

資料來源:CBS Miami


標籤: Amar'e Stoudemire