Dirk Nowitzki為來季NBA備戰,代表德國隊出戰歐錦賽

為使老闆Mark Cuban安心,達拉斯小牛的球星Dirk Nowitzki近年夏天已經減少代表德國隊上陣,但今年夏天卻不可以。因為9月將開始歐洲籃球錦標賽(EuroBasket championships),並且爭奪2016年巴西奧運的資格,而Nowitzki目標是要帶領德國出席巴西的嘉年華。


引用“You know, if it had been in July or early August, then I think there would have been no chance,” Nowitzki explained after making the decision to return to international play in June. “That would have meant that I would have had to practice right through and not even take some time off. But this way it’s, like I said, in September. I’m usually here (in Dallas), playing with the guys anyways in five-on-five, so that really was the big key for me. That way, all month of May, I was traveling some, and June was off. I got some family time in…

Nowitzki又說道,“你知道,對我而言這是十分重要,因為首輪賽事是在德國 (賽事由法國、德國、克羅地亞、拉脫維亞合辦)。我從來都沒有在自己家門口奪得過一個歐錦賽冠軍或者世界杯冠軍,而乘著這次歐錦賽在柏林舉辦的機會,對於我的國家而言意味著很多。柏林在10、15甚至20年之前已經是一個精彩的籃球城市,所以在這裡舉辦比賽將會很有趣。雖然我們這次與許多強隊同處一組,但是我們會竭力打出我們最好的水平以拼出好成績。不過,在首輪我們可能要應付六天之內打五場比賽的情況,這對於37歲的我而言,明顯是不容易的。”
引用“You know, to me, it was the big deal that the tournament, or at least the first round, is in Germany,” Nowitzki confessed. “I think I’ve never had a home European championship or world championship at home. This means a lot to our country and to the basketball world in our country. Berlin is an amazing basketball city already over the last 10, 15 or 20 years, so this should be fun. We have a murderous group with a lot of great countries, but we’re going to give it our best and see what happens. But at 37, obviously, that’s not easy. I think in the first round we’ve got like five games in six days.”

德國隊在本屆歐錦賽中被抽了與西班牙、塞爾維亞、土耳其、意大利和冰島同一組別,名副其實是死亡之組。只有小組頭四名的球隊能晉級至淘汰賽,當中只有冰島明顯較次一級,而西班牙與塞爾維亞的實力似乎亦很大機會可以順利出線,且看德國在Dirk Nowitzki和老鷹隊控衛Dennis Schröder能否擊退土耳其或意大利。

相信Dirk Nowitzki有能力帶領德國隊在歐錦賽走得更遠,但相信老闆庫班心裡面,肯定是不想自己的老將球星的那雙腿要再走更遠的路程。哈哈!
資料來源:NBC Sports


標籤: Dirk Nowitzki