Brandon Jennings願讓出正選控衛位置,並且正學習James Harden造罰球技巧

上季一月份,底特律活塞控衛Brandon Jennings在與公鹿的比賽中因左腳受傷提前退場,並經核磁共振檢查為左腳跟腱斷裂,需休戰9個月,去年餘下賽季報銷。 為填補他的空缺,活塞簽下雷霆隊的替補控衛Reggie Jackson,而他平均上陣32.2分鐘,交出場均17.6分、4.7籃板、9.2助攻的出色數據,因此球隊以五年8000萬美元的頂薪合同與他續約。

隨著Jennings的復出,公眾和媒體不禁好奇誰將會擔任活塞的先發控衛。而Jennings接受"Detroit Free Press"訪問時表示,自己願意騰出首發一席予Reggie Jackson。他表示,“簽下Reggie Jackson是一個明智的決定,始終我有9個月的時間無法上陣,而球隊需要一個控衛來扛先發的位置。”
引用"Bringing in Reggie Jackson was smart," Jennings said. "I'm supposed to be out, really, for nine months, and they need a point guard. ...

而Brandon Jennings上賽季受傷前為活塞上陣41場,場均上陣28.6分鐘,平均貢獻15.4分、2.5籃板、6.6次助攻和1.1次抄截。

引用"My main thing is just to get healthy. Hey, if I have to come off the bench and be the sixth man or whatever, I'm fine with that. Man, I just want to play basketball again. I just want to get back on the court and have fun."
儘管Jennings十分渴望再度上陣,但他亦明白凡事不能強求,因此他對於受傷及手術後的康復療程沒有過於著急。但即使身體上仍未能應付回歸賽場,但他精神上明顯已準備十足,他在採訪中提及自己最近正在研究James Harden的比賽技巧。
Brandon Jennings說,“我現在有的是時間,可以坐下來好好研究其他球員的比賽,我已經看過了Kenny Anderson和Tim Hardaway比賽的錄像片段。最近我正在研究James Harden的球技,學習他怎樣造對手犯規,以輕易地搏得罰球。”
引用"I actually had time to sit back, and I really started studying other players' games," Jennings said. "I got this highlight tape on Kenny Anderson, Tim Hardaway, and I've been studying a lot on James Harden lately, how he just gets to the free throw line easily."

資料來源:Detroit Free Press
