「巧克力炸彈」Darryl Dawkins辭世,Allen Iverson、Vince Carter、Reggie Miler、紛紛懷緬此扣籃鼻祖

NBA傳奇球星、綽號「巧克力炸彈」的Darryl Dawkins傳因心臟病發不幸離世,享年58歲。Allen Iverson、Vince Carter、Reggie Miler等球星都在社交網絡上發文悼念這位偉大的球員。

Vince Carter,“請安息吧,佛羅里達州奧蘭多的「巧克力炸彈」Dawkins。你將會被我們懷念,我的朋友。你為年輕球員開創了道路,使他們相信高中生也能在NBA獲得成功……祝願一路走好!”
引用R.I.P to Orlando florida's own "Chocolate Thunder" Darryl Dawkins. You will be missed my friend. You paved the way for young ballers to believe they could succeed in the NBA out of high school.....Rest easy!!!
— Vince Carter (@mrvincecarter15) August 27, 2015

Allen Iverson,“衷心慰問Darryl Dawkins的家人。他是一個偉大的人!我們將永遠記住你的開朗個性和快樂能量!”
引用Condolences to the family of Darryl Dawkins, a great man! Your smile personality and energy will truly be missed!!!
— Allen Iverson (@alleniverson) August 27, 2015

Dwight Howard,“願你安息。你是我有史以來最喜歡的球員之一,而你鼓舞了很多年輕的球員。感謝你曾跟我長談,那是美好的回憶。我真不敢相信你已與世長辭,但我知道你是去了一個更好的地方。你是扣籃的鼻祖,你想出來的名字都很有創意也很到位。為Dawkins的家人祈禱,祝願一路走好。”
引用Rest in peace OG. You were one of my favorite players of all time. You were very inspirational to a lot of young players. Thank u for the long talks and great memories. I can't believe that you're gone. But you are in a better place. You were the originator of the dunk. The names you came up with were creative and on point. Prayers go up for the Dawkins family. Rest easy OG. #chocolate thunder
— Dwight Howard (@dwighthoward) Aug 27, 2015

Reggie Miller,“難過!難過!難過!為Dawkins的家人送上我的祈禱和祝福。你的笑容會被我們懷念的,我的朋友。”
引用SAD SAD SAD, thoughts and prayers to the Dawkins Family.. Your smile will be missed my friend..…
— Reggie Miller (@ReggieMillerTNT) August 27, 2015

Karl-Anthony Towns,“我將會非常想念你,Darryl叔叔。以後再也不會有另一個「巧克力炸彈」了。非常喜愛你,我會很想念你。”
I'm going to miss you so much Uncle Darryl. There will never be another Chocolate Thunder. Love you so much and going to miss you so much..
— Karl-Anthony Towns (@KarlTowns) August 27, 2015



標籤: Darryl Dawkins