LeBron & Durant前隊友:Durant是訓練怪物!James是超人!

據媒體Sportando報導,前熱火球員Dexter Pittman近日接受意大利媒體訪問時提及有關對LeBron James和Kevin Durant兩位前隊友的看法。Dexter Pittman現正效力意大利聯賽球隊Virtus Bologna,之前他曾在NBA先後效力熱火、灰熊、老鷹、火箭、老鷹等球隊。他於2010年選秀第二輪被熱火選中,並隨著熱火拿下2012年總冠軍。

Pittman曾經分別在大學和NBA跟James及Durant當過隊友,他和Durant皆來自德克薩斯大學。 Pittman說道,“Durant是個訓練怪物。如果由Durant他自己作主,那麼他可能寧願睡在球館裡面。他訓練時要比任何人都更努力,我覺得他能擁有現在的成就,不是因為天賦,而是努力訓練的成果。當我要回家時,他總會說"回到球場,繼續練習罰球"。現在的他會說"當別人睡覺時,你要努力訓練"。
引用Durant is a gym animal. If it depends on him he would sleep there. He works harder than everyone. I think he built his career more on the work than on his talent. He was always there and when I went home he called me saying "go back to the gym and shoot free throws". Now he's saying to me "when the others sleep you have to work''.

此外,他認為曾一同效力熱火的James天賦出眾,是當下聯盟最強的球員。他表示, “LeBron並不需要刻苦的訓練,因為上帝賦了他所有的籃球天賦,LeBron就像是超人。幾年之前,聯盟尚有Kobe和LeBron兩人難分軒輊,現在他已經是所有人中最強的。而且他還是個非常出色的籃球導師,我能和現在的隊友分享,是因為當年他教我怎樣去閱讀球賽。只有Chris Paul的籃球智商可以跟他相比,他總能預判事情的發生。”
引用LeBron doesn't need to work so hard because God gave him all for basketball. LeBron is like Superman. Some years ago there were LeBron and Kobe, now he's above everybody. He's a great basketball teacher and if I speak a lot with my teammates is because he taught me how to read the game. Only Chris Paul is as intelligent as him; he sees what will happen before it happens.

