火箭中鋒Dwight Howard明年夏天試水自由市場爭億元合同?

經歷過2011-2013的「魔獸人生」,中鋒Dwight Howard最終輾轉加盟候斯頓火箭。雖然目前未有跡象表明Howard會離開火箭,但據FANSIDED作者Michael Saenz指,火箭中鋒Dwight Howard有意於明年夏天試水自由市場以索取億元合同。如果他在新賽季能夠保持健康狀態及回復昔日水準,那麼相信來季過後一切皆有可能。

根據《奧蘭多哨兵報》消息指,“Dwight Howard與火箭簽下的是四年8700萬美元合約,但Howard擁有2016-17賽季的球員選項。由於預計明年夏天的工資帽將大幅提升,Howard極有可能跳出合同以試水自由市場。但照目前觀察,Howard今夏的表現似乎非常低調,一方面表明他可能仍希望留在火箭,或另一方面可能因為很多球隊不願意花大筆成本投資在一位即將30歲的中鋒身上,而且他的背部和膝部都曾經有傷患。”
引用Howard signed a four-year deal with Houston worth more than $87MM, but has a player option for 2016-17. With the salary cap expected to soar next summer, he will likely test the market once again. Schmitz argues that the lack of excitement about Howard’s availability signals either that he’s a lock to stay in Houston or that other franchises don’t want to make a large investment in a soon-to-be 30-year-old center with a history of back and knee problems.

雖然按目前跡象,Dwight Howard似乎較有機會留在火箭,但《奧蘭多哨兵報》消息又指,“其實火箭希望可以只用短期合同與Howard續約,但為了滿足他的要求,可能最終被迫要以金額上億元的合同以挽留該明星中鋒在隊中。”
引用The columnist speculates that Houston would prefer that Howard sign a short-term contract, but probably will have to give him a long-term deal in excess of $100MM to keep him on the roster.




標籤: Dwight Howard