洛杉磯湖人簽下巴塞隆納隊巴西後衛Marcelo Huertas

據Yahoo Sports Adrian Wojnarowski報導,洛杉磯湖人已經與巴西後衛Marcelo Huertas簽下一年合同。今年32歲的Huertas可以協助湖人的年輕控衛如D’Angelo Russell的發展,特別是在擋拆戰術方面。按目前陣容,他將與Kobe Bryant、Jordan Clarkson、Lou Williams等組成後場組合。

Marcelo Huertas效力西班牙籃球甲級聯賽(Liga ACB)的巴塞隆納隊六個球季,並帶領球隊連續三年打進歐洲籃球聯賽(Euroleague)四強。他場均可貢獻7.4分和接近5次助攻,他職業生涯的罰球命中率亦高達87%。

他在四月時接受Yahoo Sports訪問時表示,“在NBA,球場上的空間更多。與歐洲籃球不同,他們經常有一個中鋒長時期待在禁區裡面,因此球場上更難有空間。我的強項是執行擋拆、尋找空檔的隊友、和運球時的中距離跳投。”
引用“There’s so much more space in the NBA,” Huertas told Yahoo Sports in April. “It’s not like Europe now, where you have one guy full-time in the paint. Space is harder to come by. One of my strengths is playing in the pick-and-roll, finding open guys and making shots in the mid-range game off the dribble.

Huertas相信隨著自己的加盟,透過指導年輕球員及與老將的溝通,可以使更衣室的氣氛更融洽。對球隊來說,他能夠幫助隊中的兩個年輕後衛D’Angelo Russell和Jordan Clarkson的成長。

引用If you look at NBA rosters, there are unbelievable starting point guards, but maybe not as many guys who can come off the bench able to run the team, score the ball, as well as being able to be a leader for young players,” Huertas said. “Those are things I know I’ll be able to bring with me.”

資料來源:Yahoo Sports


標籤: Marcelo Huertas